The store recently won the right to open its second and third stores in Chicago after years of lobbying, but politicians and union leaders have long kept the company from entering New York City. 最近,这家公司经过多年游说,终于获得了在芝加哥开设第二家和第三家店铺的权力,但政客和工会领导人一直在阻止公司进军纽约市。
And as the most open economy in Europe. I want Chinese investors to know that Britain will remain a voice for openness and a force against protectionism in the European Union now and in the years ahead. 最为欧洲最开放的经济体,我希望中国的投资者了解,英国会在现在和未来几年继续在欧盟内呼吁持续开放并坚决反对贸易保护主义。
This fear could be laid to rest by making the eurozone an open currency union. 将欧元区打造为一个开放式货币联盟或有助于打消这种担忧情绪。
This proposal to open the currency union has a decisive advantage over either maintaining the status quo or allowing disorderly exits from the eurozone. 相对于保持欧元区现状或者放任成员国无序退出欧元区来说,开放式货币联盟有一个显著的优点。
The new route, open to non-European Union students who have developed a business idea under supervision at university, will be available from next April, Mr Green told an audience at the Policy Exchange think-tank. 格林在智囊机构政策交流(PolicyExchange)向听众表示,这一新制度面向在大学指导下发展出商业创意的非欧盟学生,将从4月起实行。
It is very frustrating when I spot a suitable job, only to be told that the vacancy is open to male applicants only, said Zhu Qian, who graduated from Beijing Union University last year. 去年毕业于北京联合大学(招生办)的朱倩(音译)表示:当我好不容易找到一个合适的职位,但得到的答复是只招男生时,我觉得特别沮丧。
The issue flamed up into open conflict over the admission of Texas to the Union. 这个争议在是否接纳得克萨斯州为联邦一员的问题上激化成公开的冲突。
Gap, one of the world's largest clothing retailers, is to open its first store in China next year in a push for international growth that will include selling online in the European Union and Canada for the first time. 全球最大的服装零售商之一Gap明年将在中国开设首家店铺,以推动国际业务增长。该公司还将在欧盟和加拿大开拓在线销售业务。
The sun glints off open laptops on an August day in Union Square. 八月的一天,联合广场(UnionSquare)上打开的笔记本电脑在太阳下闪闪发光。 the most open economy in Europe and uniquely placed as the gateway to the European Union, China's largest export market and the world's largest single market. 英国是欧洲最开放的经济体,而且是进入欧盟这一中国最大出口市场和全球最大单一市场的门户。
The writer is an economist at open Europe, an independent think tank on the European Union. 本文作者是研究欧盟(eu)问题的独立智库“开放欧洲”(openeurope)的经济学家。
One fierce battle was over the principle of the "open shop," the right of a worker not to be forced to join a union. 在“开放企业制”原则,也就是工人有权不勉强加入工会的问题上展开了一场激烈的斗争。
In anticipation of this month's start of the "open skies" agreement between America and the European Union, other airlines are queuing up to fly from it too. 在这个月美国和欧盟间的天空开放协议的如预期一样的开始后,其他的众多航空公司也在排队从这里出发。
If you want to open a bank or credit union account in Australia, you need to pass the'100 point'system to prove your identification. 如果你想在澳洲的银行或信用联盟开户,你需要通过“100分”系统来证实你的身份。
Secondly, de-Unking the yuan from the dollar could also open the way for Asia's effective monetary union to secede from the dollar zone. 人民币与美元的脱钩将为建立亚洲有效的货币联盟开辟道路,使亚洲从美元区中脱离出来。
The first Scottish Open Championships were held in Aberdeen in1907 and the Scottish Badminton Union was formed in1911. 第一届全苏格兰羽毛球公开赛于1907年在阿伯丁开拍,1911年苏格兰羽毛球协会成立。
Britain's is the single most reliable voice for open markets, inside and outside the European Union. 欧盟内外,英国单个发出最可靠的声音,支持开放市场。
Europe must relax its immigration controls to open the door to an extra 20m workers over the next two decades, the European Union's justice chief will say today. 欧盟(EU)司法专员将于今日表示,在未来20年内,欧洲必须放宽移民管制,向额外2000万名外籍劳工敞开大门。
That would open the way for other measures against Iran, including unilateral steps by the US Treasury and tougher sanctions by the European Union. 这将为针对伊朗的其它措施打开大门,包括美国财政部的单边措施和欧盟更严厉的制裁。
On one side of the ledger is the hope of an open, prosperous middle east rooted in support for universal values a valuable ally and partner for a European Union in desperate need of revival. 一方面,一个支持普世价值的、开放繁荣的中东有望成为亟待重振旗鼓的欧盟的宝贵盟友及合作伙伴。
Take Human as Essentials to Open Up the New Prospects of College Union Work 以人为本开创高校工会工作新局面
In order to urge America and Britain to open the second battlefield earlier, the Soviet Union promised to declare war on Japan just before and after the Teheran Conference. 德黑兰会议前后,苏联承诺参加对日作战是为争取美英早日开辟第二战场。
Application of the technologies of open pit mining and ore processing introduced from the former Soviet Union in Fu-Ke-Shan Gold Mine 引进原苏联露天采选工艺在富克山金矿的应用
Work Hard to Open up a New Prospect for Labour Union of Colleges 努力开创新世纪院校工会工作的新局面
Conclusion The composite external fixator in treating the severely comminuted or open proximal tibial fracture has the following advantages, such as less-invasion, stable fixation, early-mobilization, high union rate and fewer complication. 结论应用组合式外固定架治疗严重粉碎性或开放性胫骨近端骨折,手术创伤小,固定可靠,膝关节可早期活动,治愈率高,并发症少,疗效满意。
Internal fixation with steel plate and transcalcaneal traction were done on 47 patinets with open fracture of both tibia and fibula. 6 patients ( 12.7%) were postoperatively infected. The union rate was 100%. 对47例开放性胫腓骨骨折,采用钢板固定或跟骨牵引术,结果术后创口感染6例(12.7%),骨折愈合率达100%。
The tactics of artistic ceramics products open up European Union market 艺术陶瓷产品开拓欧盟市场的策略
Achieving smooth and open information exchange between Application systems of enterprise union, is an important part in B2B ( Business to Business) electronic commerce. 实现企业联盟间异构应用系统的平滑、开放的信息交换,是实施B2B电子商务的一个重要组成部分。
In 1979, Soros 'Open Society Foundation was Established in New York, then the Soros foundation enlarged quickly. It becomes a huge network including Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Eurasia, South Africa, Haiti, Guatemala and America. 乔治·索罗斯的开放社会基金会1979年成立于纽约,此后基金会逐步扩大,形成了一个遍布东欧、前苏联、中部欧亚大陆,以及南非、海地、危地马拉和美国的庞大网络。